The ACBA and RiskScout teamed up to survey banking and credit union professionals from around the country on their views surrounding Cannabis Banking. Much has been written about the conflicting views of players in the banking industry, but we have collected views from across the country on why banks have gone into Cannabis Banking; why they are considering it but haven't taken the step yet; and why they say they NEVER will!
No matter what your views are on banking cannabis, there is NO denying that even if you are in a state where it's still completely ILLEGAL, your staff is at risk of violating numerous Federal regulations and guidelines if they don't know how to spot and process potential deposits sourced from the cannabis industry.
Don't let your staff be and your team need to hear what your peers are thinking and make sure that you are starting 2024 prepared and compliant!
The ACBA and RiskScout are here to keep you informed and educated!